Over the past few weeks we have been focused on hiring a program operator. The operator will facilitate the collection and transportation of the plastics to market and will run the logistics of the provincial pilot project. We are moving ahead on discussions with an organization that looks to be a promising partner. We will share an official announcement when we finalize the details.
Some of you have reached out with questions about site selection. After we officially move forward with our program operator our next step will be to set out the process for site selection. This will be shared provincially through multiple channels to be as inclusive as possible. As someone receiving this newsletter, your organization is already on the list to receive updates about the site selection process directly from the APRG and we will also send messages through our committee members’ communications channels (RMA, RCA, Ag Fieldman Assoc. etc.).
If you do receive messages from organizations claiming to be connected with the pilot program, other than the APRG members, please reach out to the APRG. We are aware of messages that claim to provide solutions for municipalities that are not officially part of the provincial pilot program and the funding we have received.
Keep an eye out for our committee members if you are attending the Alberta Beef Industries Conference in Red Deer, March 12-14 or the RMA Conference in Edmonton, March 18-19 as we will be attending both to communicate and discuss the pilot program.
Transparency and communication are extremely important to us and we will share updates with you as we have them. Be sure to visit our new website, www.aprg.ca for the latest info.
Al Kemmere
APRG Chair
